У меня друг переехал на ПМЖ в Португалию. Местные жители задолбали его различными вопросами о России. Он составил ФАК по стране
Russia and the Russians.
Frequently Asked Questions.
100% serious, 100% based on real questions, answers are 100% subjective.
Climate & Nature
Yes, Russia is a cold country. Temperatures vary from region to region but for most of territory -15 centigrade is rather comfortable temperature of January. Lowest temperature registered in Russia is -73 centigrade, in small village in Siberia, but it was long ago and none remembers it.
In spite of cold winters Russia has warm (but short) summers. Temperatures in July can reach +40, and again it is very dependent on the region. Russia doesn't have snow in summer time, only in mountains there is some.
Sometimes the Russians swim in cold water winter time. They make big holes in ice on lakes and rivers and go to swim for a couple of seconds. What for?
It's a fun.
Snow falls only winter time and the height of blanket of snow can be up to one meter or so.
Ice on rivers in winter is very thick and strong. You can drive your car at the lakes' surface.
We don't have bears at streets of towns and cities, only in zoos.
Vodka has 40% of alcohol.
People don't drink vodka to enjoy the taste, they enjoy consequences.
People don't drink vodka with each mill they have. They drink it only if they have an occasion - birthday, holiday, Friday.
If one drinks too much vodka, probably next day he is going to have headache and hang-over.
The Russians don't dilute vodka, they drink it pure.
The Russians don't drink hot vodka, they freeze it.
Vodka is not tasty
One shouldn't breathe several seconds after the shot of vodka. It can burn your throat.
There are people who like vodka very much. Usually they quit their jobs and sell the apartments for vodka's sake.
The population of Russia is about 144 million people.
There are no black Russians.
There are some blacks from other countries working and studying.
The Russians are not only blonds with blue eyes. There are many brunets, red- and gray-haired.
There are a number of other ethnic languages for national minorities, but usually it's their second language.
There are many Jews in Russia
Most common Russian male surname terminates with -in or -ov.
Most common Russian female surname ends with -ina or -ova.
When married a woman loses her maiden name and gets her husband's surname with -a at the end.
The Russians have three names - first name, middle name and surname. Middle name is made from father's first name with added ending -ovich, -evich for men and -ovna, -evna for women.
Yes, the Russians used newspapers instead of toilet paper in Soviet Union times. There was a shortage of toilet paper.
Sharapova is Russian, she was born in Siberia but when left the country in order to train and earn money.
Yes, criminal level is rather high in Russia
Yes, it's better to stay at home nighttime for foreigner unless you have Russian friends
Yes, Russian mafia is strong and rich
Yes, they have a lot of money
Most of the Russians are Orthodox believers.
Orthodoxy is a branch of Christianity.
When Orthodox believers cross themselves they end at the left side of their chests - at the heart.
They wear wedding ring on right ring-finger.
Orthodox Christmas is 7 of January.
25 of December means nothing for Orthodox believers.
Russian New Year is 1st of January
Politics & Finance
It's true, Putin got about 70% at last elections
Yes, Abramovich is the richest Russian guy
Khodorkovsky, the owner of Yukos used to be number one but got troubles with law and authorities.
Yes, at time he is in prison.
He got 8 years of prison.
Gorbatchev is not popular person at present.
Glasnost means a freedom of speech.
Perestroika means reconstruction of the country.
Yes, now Russia has huge glastnost and permanent perestroika
Russia doesn't have problems with democracy
The Russians speak Russian
There are 33 letters in Russian alphabet
Yes, Russian language is difficult to learn
Thank you is "Spasibo" in Russian
I love you is "Ya tebia lublu" in Russian
Hello is "Privet" in Russian
Yes, there are many rude words
The Russians don't speak foreign languages very well because of rather low level of school teaching in this field. In Soviet Union it wasn't necessary to know foreign language because it was closed country. Nowadays the situation is improving.
Прислал Eugene
Russia and the Russians.
Frequently Asked Questions.
100% serious, 100% based on real questions, answers are 100% subjective.
Climate & Nature
Yes, Russia is a cold country. Temperatures vary from region to region but for most of territory -15 centigrade is rather comfortable temperature of January. Lowest temperature registered in Russia is -73 centigrade, in small village in Siberia, but it was long ago and none remembers it.
In spite of cold winters Russia has warm (but short) summers. Temperatures in July can reach +40, and again it is very dependent on the region. Russia doesn't have snow in summer time, only in mountains there is some.
Sometimes the Russians swim in cold water winter time. They make big holes in ice on lakes and rivers and go to swim for a couple of seconds. What for?
It's a fun.
Snow falls only winter time and the height of blanket of snow can be up to one meter or so.
Ice on rivers in winter is very thick and strong. You can drive your car at the lakes' surface.
We don't have bears at streets of towns and cities, only in zoos.
Vodka has 40% of alcohol.
People don't drink vodka to enjoy the taste, they enjoy consequences.
People don't drink vodka with each mill they have. They drink it only if they have an occasion - birthday, holiday, Friday.
If one drinks too much vodka, probably next day he is going to have headache and hang-over.
The Russians don't dilute vodka, they drink it pure.
The Russians don't drink hot vodka, they freeze it.
Vodka is not tasty
One shouldn't breathe several seconds after the shot of vodka. It can burn your throat.
There are people who like vodka very much. Usually they quit their jobs and sell the apartments for vodka's sake.
The population of Russia is about 144 million people.
There are no black Russians.
There are some blacks from other countries working and studying.
The Russians are not only blonds with blue eyes. There are many brunets, red- and gray-haired.
There are a number of other ethnic languages for national minorities, but usually it's their second language.
There are many Jews in Russia
Most common Russian male surname terminates with -in or -ov.
Most common Russian female surname ends with -ina or -ova.
When married a woman loses her maiden name and gets her husband's surname with -a at the end.
The Russians have three names - first name, middle name and surname. Middle name is made from father's first name with added ending -ovich, -evich for men and -ovna, -evna for women.
Yes, the Russians used newspapers instead of toilet paper in Soviet Union times. There was a shortage of toilet paper.
Sharapova is Russian, she was born in Siberia but when left the country in order to train and earn money.
Yes, criminal level is rather high in Russia
Yes, it's better to stay at home nighttime for foreigner unless you have Russian friends
Yes, Russian mafia is strong and rich
Yes, they have a lot of money
Most of the Russians are Orthodox believers.
Orthodoxy is a branch of Christianity.
When Orthodox believers cross themselves they end at the left side of their chests - at the heart.
They wear wedding ring on right ring-finger.
Orthodox Christmas is 7 of January.
25 of December means nothing for Orthodox believers.
Russian New Year is 1st of January
Politics & Finance
It's true, Putin got about 70% at last elections
Yes, Abramovich is the richest Russian guy
Khodorkovsky, the owner of Yukos used to be number one but got troubles with law and authorities.
Yes, at time he is in prison.
He got 8 years of prison.
Gorbatchev is not popular person at present.
Glasnost means a freedom of speech.
Perestroika means reconstruction of the country.
Yes, now Russia has huge glastnost and permanent perestroika
Russia doesn't have problems with democracy
The Russians speak Russian
There are 33 letters in Russian alphabet
Yes, Russian language is difficult to learn
Thank you is "Spasibo" in Russian
I love you is "Ya tebia lublu" in Russian
Hello is "Privet" in Russian
Yes, there are many rude words
The Russians don't speak foreign languages very well because of rather low level of school teaching in this field. In Soviet Union it wasn't necessary to know foreign language because it was closed country. Nowadays the situation is improving.
Прислал Eugene
Тэги: непонятное
Опубликовано: 2005-10-14 09:32:42 | Автор: Tim | Просмотров: 13338 | Комментариев: 4 |
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